“The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting”―
A global pandemic. We can add that to the list of things we have endured. It still seems surreal.
Hopefully we have all navigated to that sweet, fifth stage of grief-acceptance. Grief seems like a strong word to describe these events, but that is exactly what it is, for all of us. From the couples postponing the day of their dreams to the small business that is out of business, temporarily. We are united in a few things, and grief is one of them.
After the shock subsides, we are left to accept and evaluate. The new realities of the day to day are revealed. And its still scary.
As small business women, and entrepreneurs, we thrive on the unknown. We shun the typical 9-5., and cubicles, and “normal” schedules. We built something beautiful from absolutely nothing. If we must, we will do it again. That’s just what we do. That’s just who we are. Amidst this tragedy, we have been given the gift of time. Time to be with our families on the weekends (which never happens for us), time to think about what kind of business we want to be, the time to get tot that ever-growing-to-do-list that never seemed to get touched.
You too, have been given the gift. Time to rethink your wedding decisions. Time to evaluate what is the most important part of your fairy tale day. Which vendors you need to be there for you on a new date. Time to add details that you can whip up now, while you are isolated. More time to shop for that perfect details that you hadn’t yet been able to find yet. Time to connect with your partner, and face a deadly serious scenario together. Time to face financial, emotional, and personal challenges. Together. That is a gift.
Your wedding, honeymoon, champagne brunch, its all been postponed. What a nightmare, indeed. But I challenge you to think of this…how sweet will those moments be when the finally do arrive? How amazing will it be to hug your wedding vendors on that day? Your grandparents, sorority sisters, and extended family will all finally be there. Finally. How grateful will you be for the TSA line to check in for your honeymoon flight that came months after it was supposed to? To be able to safely navigate the world is something we are all longing to do, and something that will, hopefully, never be taken for granted again.
This has tested us. It has tested our patience, emotional resilience, our creativity, and our fortitude. It has also brought us closer together. As a beauty duo, we have connected with each other, our brides, and industry friends and vendors on a much deeper level. We too, are impatient for your amazing day to come. So we can do your hair, create a flawless makeup, and give you a hug.
The day WILL come. And it will be sweet. Everything is cancelled, but your love story is not.