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Thought I’d drop my interview with Canvas Rebel! I was nominated to share my story by the amazing Venturing Vows – thank you Miki! I may have overshared here, but in the article I talk a lot about self inflicted challenges, being a creative entrepreneur, and what lessons I had to unlearn. When I answered […]

INTERVIEW: Canvas Rebel


May 31, 2024
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If you’ve landed on this little slice of the internet, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Formerly, this website and blog was home to Fleurt Beauty Company, where my partner,Rachael and I shared all the things about our brides, beauty products, tips and tricks, and anincredible business, since 2017. Since meeting four years before […]

Welcome to Black Fern Beauty Co.


Mar 20, 2023
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  2020 brought a ton of life changes for everyone.  One of the biggest was Meaghan setting up home base on the west coast.  While she has spent most of her life in Baltimore City, its seems wild that Oregon would be the next stop on her journey.  The world turning upside down has a […]

Breaking News: Meaghan Moves to Oregon

Archived, News

Oregon makeup Artist
Jan 19, 2021
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“The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting”― Andy Warhol   A global pandemic.  We can add that to the list of things we have endured.  It still seems surreal. Hopefully we have all navigated to that sweet, fifth stage of grief-acceptance.  Grief seems like a strong word to describe these events, but […]

Everything is Cancelled. Except Your Love Story.

Archived, News

Apr 15, 2020
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We’re back, Babes! We have been workin’ our buns off yall!  But we are back to the blog and couldn’t be happier about it. So that, dear reader, might leave your wondering where in the heck we have been.  Let’s catch you up shall we? Let’s start with all the gorgeous things we’ve been featured […]

The Blog is Back!

Archived, News

Jul 29, 2019
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Follow Meaghan to a beauty show…

VLOG Episode 3

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May 12, 2018
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New Years always brings about a certain nostalgia for us. Most people look ahead to the future, make New Years resolutions and grand plans for the upcoming year.  We certainly do our share of goal setting and strategic planning; but looking back at milestones and accomplishments creates a mindset of gratitude, rather than one of anticipation […]

Cheers to 2018!

Archived, News

Jan 12, 2018