wedding hair and makeup
wedding hair and makeup
wedding hair and makeup
wedding hair and makeup
wedding hair and makeup

wedding hair and makeup

wedding hair and makeup

wedding hair and makeup

wedding hair and makeup

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Looking back over the most beautiful moments of 2020, the memory of this backyard “minimony” comes to mind.  As we all know, 2020 had weddings looking really different; but micro weddings are amazing, and here’s a peek at one destined to be an inspiration for brides looking to downsize. Not only was every small detail […]

“Minimony”: How to do it the ‘Right Way’

Archived, Minymony

Fleurt Beauty Company
Jan 13, 2021
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“The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting”― Andy Warhol   A global pandemic.  We can add that to the list of things we have endured.  It still seems surreal. Hopefully we have all navigated to that sweet, fifth stage of grief-acceptance.  Grief seems like a strong word to describe these events, but […]

Everything is Cancelled. Except Your Love Story.

Archived, News

Apr 15, 2020